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Designing Green Cities: Ecological Urbanism


24.11.2022 Faculty of Architecture and The Built Environment - Delft University of Technology - Lecture Room B

Designing Green Cities: Ecological Urbanism

This lecture series offers designerly perspectives on greening cities and bridges theory and practice in landscape architecture, urban design, urban forestry and urban ecology. The series addresses the integrative and exploratory capacities of design through illuminating discourses that take the landscape as basis to create healthy, climate proof and socio-ecologically inclusive cities. Speakers from practice and academia exchange ideas and showcase practical applications of landscape-based urbanism, forest urbanism and ecological urbanism.

You can read the day’s report (PDF) here. You can find video recordings of the day below.

(In addition to the edition on Ecology, check out the editions on Landscape and Forest.)

Program (all lectures are in English)

13:00-13:30 Walk in + coffee/tea
13:30-13:40 Welcome
13:40-14:00 Introduction by Dr. Nico Tillie (Urban Ecology Design at TU Delft)
14:00-14:45 Dr. Marco Roos (Biological system of Biodiversity and urban ecology. Naturalis Biodiversity Center / University of Leiden)
14:45-15:15 Coffee/ tea
15:15-16:00 Prof Dr. Maria Chiara Pastore (Eco urbanism from green balcony to regional planning. Politecnico di Milano)
16:00-16:45 Dr. Wiebke Klemm (Nature smart cities and Eco urbanism. City of The Hague)
16:45-17:30 Closure + drinks


Rewind the presentation by Nico Tillie:

Rewind the presentation by Marco Roos:


Rewind the presentation by Maria Chiara Pastore:



Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Architecture and The Built Environment
Lecture Room B
Julianalaan 134, Delft

Steffen Nijhuis (
Sytse Berends (

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